Loomis specializes in various kinds of cash management. Its objective is to create efficient, safe, secure cash management. Loomis employs about 1,300 persons at 15 locations in Sweden; its headquarters are in Stockholm. The company offers its customers opportunities to order its services via the web site; consequently, Loomis implemented a platform to support this.
To give customers the best service possible, Loomis wanted to:
– Develop a solution that provided customers with faster, better information at the right time.
– Support customers during online purchases.
“Using the Vergic Engage Platform, we’ve reinforced our customer service. Our customers now have more options and greater flexibility when they want to contact us. Dialogue simply occurs on our customers’ terms.”
Kim Haapala, customer service manager at Loomis
Facilitate proactive customer dialogues within the Loomis online sales channel
Loomis naturally wanted to respond to customers’ issues as quickly as possible. The company desired a presence throughout the entire purchasing processes, because they observed that customers needed help while searching for various types of services on the web site – particularly complex services such as cash deliveries to stores. The intention was to also reduce the large number of daily phone calls and e-mails that targeted customer service. The overall goal was to create proactive customer service that provided fast, effective assistance.
The implementation of the Vergic Engage Platform took only two weeks. During the first stage, Vergic analyzed Loomis’ web site traffic to get an overview of how customers behaved when they visited the site.
Various rules and functions were created in the next stage. For example, if an order process is terminated, customers are offered assistance via a dialog box – making it easy for them to click through to an online-based dialogue function from which they can quickly get answers to questions and help with navigating through various Loomis’ offerings.
Loomis’ customer service staff also participated in Vergic’s training – to develop customer dialogues and facilitate communication.
“Employees received tips on how to manage customer dialogues successfully. They learned what to focus on in the dialogues and how to communicate in the best possible way,” says Kim Haapala, customer service manager at Loomis.
“Vergic developed a solid, timely, relevant workshop that covered everything from technologies to soft values. Our employees really appreciated the training.”
The Vergic Engage Platform enables Loomis to be available throughout the entire customer journey. Dialogues with customers are clear, concise, and consistent. Customers get fast answers, and Vergic’s solution enables remote (co-browsing) customer assistance, when, for example, they experience service application/registration problems.
Using Vergic’s offerings, Loomis’ customer service staff can now manage up to three customer dialogues simultaneously – compared to when one person could only handle one phone call at a time – resulting in faster customer assistance. Right now, five employees within customer service use Vergic’s solution, but Loomis plans to expand the number of licenses and give all customer service employees – 10 in total – access to the tool.
Increased web site presence and proactive customer service
Loomis’ customer service employees used to receive many customer phone calls and e-mails every day. Now with Vergic’s solution, customer service employees get a better overview of incoming cases and can proactively contact online customers who experience difficulties. The result is that they can manage more cases per day.
“Our employees are very satisfied,” says Haapala. “So far we haven’t had one single customer complaint. Everyone is very positive, and according to customer service employees, our customers are more satisfied with our service now than they were after phone calls.”
Thanks to the Vergic Engage Platform, Loomis gains better, faster dialogues with its customers, and the number of inaccurate/erroneous purchases has diminished because customers get the right service from the start. Loomis also acquired better presence on the platform on which it sells most of its services, namely its web site.
Loomis customers are often smaller companies (e.g., newsstands/boutiques) in which only one person is working. Store owners can quickly and easily enter the Loomis web site and get help with various issues such as the status of the delivery of an armored car. The flexibility of Vergic’s solution enables store owners to temporarily suspend dialogue with Loomis customer service and then resume it again when, for example, they conclude customers’ transactions in the store.